Sunday, August 25, 2013

1) I don't understand why some people are so insanely against gay marriage. What are they afraid of? The "End of the World?" You mean Armageddon? Well ain't Jezus supposed to arrive back here then? And ain't that what they (the crazy haters) want ultimately anyway? So don't they see that if they really want Jay to come back they should emphatically endorse gay marriage? Some people just don't get it.

2) It's fitting that the NFL Washington "Redskins" remains the name of the team from our nation's capitol. Don't they get that by keeping the name intact they are symbolically still perpetrating genocide? Or something like that? Or do they get it and keep the name as a big crypto-"fuck you" to all us evolving individuals?
I feel like I'm on the verge of some immense change. It's like I have my ear on a railroad track, listening to the approaching vibrations. It feels immense, like how the ocean feels, or like an unobstructed blue sky. It's power can kill or direct me to metamorphosis. I imagine that is painful for the caterpillar to mutate into a butterfly. You know, physically the thing dissolves and reforms. That's gotta hurt! But if the transformation is survived, profound everlasting sublime unknowable unspeakable beauty emerges. I sometimes wonder if that is how it is when we die.

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Well it hadda happin

I'm so sick of reading the idiocy and lies that constitute the news, entertainment, pop music, politics and sports cultures. It seems any moron that can identify letters on a keyboard and manage to push them proficiently has something to say and feels free to express it. So what am I waiting for, I can push letters around.